Phillip Reed - 2nd Place
Phillip Reed has the button, and he opens for a raise to 90,000. Brent Roberts makes the call.
The flop reveals . Brent checks, and Phillip considers carefully before continuing out with a bet of 120,000. With a cocktail waitress serving him a drink during the hand, Brent reraises to 340,000 before giving the young lady a tip. After a moment, Phillip announces, "All in," and before he can even get the words out of his mouth, Brent insta-calls.
With his tournament life on the line, Phillip Reed is looking for a ten to make a straight or running cards to improve. The turn brings the , and the on the river spells the end. With that, Phillip Reed becomes our second place finisher. He will take home $147,407 for his efforts, though he seems disappointed to miss out on the gold ring.