Jeremy Byrum limped into the pot under the gun, and Matt Stout, Kai Landry, and David Dao also came along to the flop.
With four-handed action then, the flop came out . Surprisingly, all four players checked.
The turn brought the , and it would prove to be quite the action card. Landry and Dao checked, allowing Byrum to bet 30,000. Next to act, Matt Stout put in a raise to 80,000. Landry ducked out quickly, but Dao was not so easily deterred. He announced, "All in," putting the pressure on. Not to be outdone, Jeremy Byrum announced that he too was all in for 317,000, being the shortest of the three stacks. Stout sat in disbelief for a moment before folding his , allowing the other two men to duke it out.
With his tournament life on the line, Byrum had to fade just one more card to double up and then some. To his delight, the blank hit the river, earning him that much-needed increase. He has climbed over the 700,000-chip mark after that pot, knocking Dao down to just about 120,000 in the process.