Diamonds Make Leibovitz a Small Fortune

Jeff Banghart raised to 500 in the hijack seat, and Eddy Sabat made the call from the button. Gary Leibovitz called from the blinds, and it was three ways to the flop.
It came out
, and the table checked to Sabat. He took the lead with a bet of 625, and both opponents called quickly. The
on the turn brought all the rest of the action. Leibovitz checked, Banghart led for 1,200, and Sabat called. When it came back to the blinds, Leibovitz snuck in a check-raise to 6,000 straight, Banghart moved all in, Sabat called all in, and Leibovitz did the same, committing his last ~15,000 to the pot.
"Anyone freerolling to a diamond?" Banghart asked.
"I am," came the voice from the other end of the table, Leibovitz rolling hover his
. Sabat showed his
and Banghart his
, all three men with a piece of the pot at the time. But that all changed on the river.
The dropped off the deck, giving Leibovitz his freerolled flush and earning him the big triple up. He's vaulted all the way up over 60,000 now, dropping Sabat down to 925 and Banghart down around 14,000.