Welch Doubles and Main Event Champion Jewell Is Shining

Welch Doubles with Ducks - 9:38 PM
On the board of , Andrew Frankenberger bet 16,000 and then Ryan Welch moved all in for 27,675. Frankenberger called with the
, but was behind the
for Welch. The river completed the board with the
and Welch doubled up to more than 70,000 in chips.
Table Talk - 9:40 PM
We apparently walked up to the table just after a pot between Kevin Saul and Darryll Fish, but we were right on time for the table talk.
Saul: ��You were supposed to double me up.��
Fish: ��I don't do what I'm supposed to very often. Like when I'm supposed to win at poker... yeah, I don't do that.
Fish Thinks He's Slick �C 9:41 PM
Just moments after that exchange with Kevin Saul, Darryll Fish and the gentleman to his right tangled up in a pot that left the unknown player all in for 15,000. He held
, and he was in bad shape against Fish's
The flop brought an unexciting ace for both players as it came
��Put a four out there!�� Saul said from across the table.
Fish smirked. ��If you do, I'm gonna come across this table and --��
Turn: . Fish was stopped in mid sentence, and the whole table reacted to Saul's sick call. Even Fish had to smirk at the sight of his opponent's three-outer laying there on board. The river
wasn't the king Fish was looking for, and he's granted a double up to slip back to 43,000.
��Gonna be hard for me to double you up if I keep losing,�� Fish groaned at Saul.
Stout Folds Turn - 9:43 PM
Matt Stout raised to 1,300 and the button made the call. The flop came down and Stout fired a continuation bet of 2,000. The player on the button made the call.
The turn was the and Stout check-folded to a bet of 4,000 from his opponent.
Main Event Champion Jewell Shows Bluff - 9:46 PM
Early this morning at around 4:30 a.m. local time, Kurt Jewell won the WSOP Cicuit Hammond Main Event for over $242,000. Along with the title came a seat in this event and Jewell's doing well once again. He's up to about 100,000 chips and just picked a nice spot to bluff in order to add a good chunk to his stack.
Four players saw the flop for 2,100 each and it came down . The preflop raiser fored 3,600 and David "Bakes" Baker folded before the next player called. Jewell was next up and raised to 8,750. Everyone folded and Jewell showed the old
for the bluff.
��Bluffed It�� - 9:55 PM
We've been watching Kenny Nguyen meander around the tournament floor for a couple minutes now, so we presumed him to be busto. It's hard to tell with Kenny, though, a can't-sit-still kind of guy. He began to make his way towards the double exit doors finally, and Amnon Filippi was the last man to shake his hand on the way out.
��Kenny, how many chips you got?�� Fillipi asked.
��Bad,�� was the reply from Nguyen, starting to walk away. He turned back around to yell, ��Bluffed it,�� as he headed back downstairs to the poker room or the pits.
Aguiar Ousted - 10:08 PM
Jonathan Aguiar got his last ~25,000 chips into the middle on a flop of
. Faraz Jaka was more than willing to put him to the test with a set, turning up pocket fours to put Aguiar and his ace-queen in a bad way. No help on the turn meant Aguiar was drawing dead, and he's been sent to the exit just before the break.
Ty Reiman Doubles - 10:09 PM
A short-stacked Ty Reiman was all in for 4,900 with and was racing against an opponent��s
. The board ran out
, securing the double for Reiman to a little more than 11,000.