Action folded around to Donald Nicholson in the small blind. He raised to 95,000. Ben Sabrin folded his big blind and Nicholson could only smile and nod as he flipped over the .
Ben Sabrin had the button in seat 2 and he raised to 90,000. Giovanni Marcacci made the call from the big blind. The flop came . Both players checked. The turn brought the . Marcacci moved all in and Sabrin passed. Marcacci took down the pot which was, as stated by the tournament director, the 100th hand of play at this final table.
Ryan Young - 7th Place
Giovanni Marcacci had the button in seat 4. Action folds around to Ryan Young who moved all in for 229,000. Giovanni Marcacci made the call and the players showed:
The board bricked for Young, filling out and he was eliminated in 7th place earning himself $51,904 in the process.
Here are the players' current chip counts.
Ben Sabrin - 525,000
John Devia - 704,000
Giovanni Marcacci - 429,000
Mark Garner - 296,000
Bart Tichelman - 512,000
Donald Nicholson - 906,000
Ryan Young - 232,000
Don Nicholson had the button in seat 8. Action folded around to Ryan Young in the small blind and he completed. Ben Sabrin checked his option. The flop comes . Both players checked. The turn came the . Again both men checked. The hit the river. Young checked and Sabrin declared "King High." Young turned up for two pair. Ryan Young took down the pot.
We haven't seen a showdown since Marcacci doubled through Ben Sabrin. A huge majority of the pots have been won preflop, with the occasional winner being a result of a continuation bet on the flop.