Hand #120 - David Hewitt has the button, he limps with , and Ponzio checks with . The flop comes , Ponzio checks, Hewitt bets 200,000, and Ponzio calls. The turn card is the , and they both check. The river card is the , Ponzio bets 400,000, and Hewitt folds.
Hand #119 - Ben Ponzio has the button, he limps with , and Hewitt checks with . The flop comes , Hewitt checks, Ponzio bets, and Hewitt folds.
Hand #118 - David Hewitt has the button, he limps, Ponzio raises, and Hewitt calls. The flop comes , Ponzio bets 350,000, and Hewitt thinks for a full minute before he folds. Ponzio shows as he collects the pot, and the holecams reveal that Hewitt held .
Hand #117 - Ben Ponzio has the button. The board comes , and with some betting along the way, all the money goes into the pot on the river. But both players show K-7 to chop the pot.
Hand #115 - Ben Ponzio has the button in seat 5, Justin Rollo moves all in with , and Hewitt calls with . The board comes , and Hewitt wins the pot with king high.
Justin Rollo is eliminated in third place, earning $244,566.
Hand #114 - Justin Rollo has the button in seat 2, he raises from the button, Ponzio reraises, Rollo moves all in, and Ponzio immediately calls with . Rollo shows .
The board comes , and Ponzio takes the pot with his pocket queens to double up in chips. Rollo is crippled on the hand.
Hand #113 - David Hewitt has the button in seat 7. After a flop of , Rollo (small blind) bets, and Ponzio (big blind) folds . Rollo had for a pair of eights.