Hand #102 - Dustin Dirksen has the button, he limps for 80,000, Young raises, and Dirksen calls. The flop comes , and both players check. The turn card is the , and they check again. The river card is the , and they check again. Young shows for ace high, and Dirksen shows for ten high. Young takes the pot.
Hand #101 - Ryan Young has the button, he raises, and Dirksen calls. The flop comes , Dirksen checks, Young bets 250,000, and Dirksen calls. The turn card is the , Dirksen bets 300,000, and Young folds. Dirksen takes the pot, and the holecams reveal:
There is a short break for commercials, as this final table is also being broadcast on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 119. Here are the official chip counts:
Hand #100 - Dustin Dirksen has the button, he limps for 80,000, Young raises to 280,000, and Dirksen calls.
The flop comes , Young bets, Dirksen moves all in, and Young folds. Dirksen shows for an open-ended straight draw as he collects the pot. The holecam reveals that Young had .
Hand #98 - Dustin Dirksen has the button, he raises to 220,000 with , Young reraises to 620,000 with , and Dirksen folds. Young takes the pot.
Hand #97 - Ryan Young has the button, he raises with , and Dirksen calls with . The flop comes , and both players check. The turn card is the , and they check again. The river card is the , and they check again. Dirksen takes the pot with his for the lowest possible club flush.