Reslock Chases Down A Winner

Bruno Fitoussi: (X)(X)

Chris Reslock: (X)(X)

Bruno bet and Reslock called. To 6th street..
Bruno Fitoussi: (X)(X)

Chris Reslock: (X)(X)

Once again, Bruno bet and Reslock called. The river card came face down and this time Fitoussi checked. Reslock paused a moment, then bet. Fitoussi winced as though he regretted checking the river. He eventually folded and the dealer pushed Reslock a decent pot. Phil Hellmuth broke the silence by saying "Wow! I can't wait to see that hand on TV!" Reslock replied "I'll save you the suspense Phil...I couldn't beat the tens til the end." "Sick buddy!'re so sick!" replied Hellmuth.