Hand #341 - Freddy Deeb Wins $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. ($2,276,832)
Bruno Fitoussi:

Freddy Deeb:

3rd: Fitoussi brings it in for 70,000, Deeb completes to 250,000, and Fitoussi is all in for about 140,000. They show:
Bruno Fitoussi:

Freddy Deeb:

Deeb says, "Good luck, buddy." And Bruno replies, "Thank you. I need it!"
Bruno Fitoussi:

Freddy Deeb:

On fourth street, Fitoussi says, "I have plenty of outs to hit a pair," and the crowd laughs.
Bruno Fitoussi:

Freddy Deeb:

On fifth street, Deeb takes the lead with a pair of fives.
Bruno Fitoussi:

Freddy Deeb:

On sixth street, Fitoussi picks up a low draw, and has the ace, jack, ten and eight for outs to a higher pair.
Bruno Fitoussi:

Freddy Deeb:

Deeb's last card gives him an 8-7-5-4-A for the low, and a pair of fives for the high. Fitoussi's last card gives him no help, and he finishes with ace high.
Bruno Fitoussi is eliminated in second place, earning $1,278,720.
Freddy Deeb wins Event #39 ($50,000 H.O.R.S.E.), earning $2,276,832, a Corum watch, and the second-most coveted WSOP bracelet.