Hand #125 - Tommy Vu has the button in seat 3, he raises to 250,000, and Chu calls from the big blind. The flop comes , Chu checks, Vu bets 100,000, and Chu calls. The turn card is the , Chu checks, Vu moves all in, and Chu folds. Vu takes the pot.
Hand #123 - Barry Cales has the button in seat 8, Chu raises from the small blind to 225,000, and Vu calls from the big blind. The flop comes , Chu bets 300,000, and Vu folds. Chu takes the pot.
The players take a 15-minute break before the blinds increase to 40,000-80,000, with a 10,000 ante. Official chip counts will be posted soon.
Hand #122 - Tommy Vu has the button in seat 3, Cales limps from the small blind for 60,000, and Chu checks his option. The flop comes . Cales checks, Chu bets 85,000, and Cales calls. The turn card is the , and both players check. The river card is the , and they check again. Cales shows 10-9 to win the pot with two pair, nines and threes.
Hand #120 - Barry Cales has the button in seat 8, Chu limps from the small blind for 60,000, and Vu checks his option. The flop comes , and both players check. The turn card pairs the board with the , Chu bets 75,000, and Vu calls. The river card is the , and both players check. Chu shows -- he's playing the board. Vu shows 8-8, and wins the pot with two pair.