The Great Khalid
The far table had been so stubborn in releasing that 4th man that on numerous occasions I had forced myself to trundle over to that side of the room to witness the continued four-handed play with my own eyes. However, that 4th player has finally fallen, and boy was it a struggle.
Are you ready?...
Hand 1: Matt Giannetti raised to 10,500 preflop, Khalid Hameed called and we saw an flop. Hameed pushed all in and Giannetti called. Gianetti had and Hameed . No change and Gianetti scooped a 185,000 pot.
Hand 2: Shorstacked, Hameed pushed for 7,000 with , was called by Gianetti's and survived an board.
Hand 3: Hameed pushed again, this time for 15,500. Again he is called, again by Gianetti, and again he survived, versus on a ... board.
Hand 4: And finally Hameed falls, all in with versus the of Craig Marquis before being eliminated by an board.
Holy smokes! Hameed put up a dogged performance and proved harder to remove than the grime at the bottom of the oven, but he couldn't hold on any longer and finally exited in 4th.