Marcel Luske, who was down to around 200,000 earlier in the level has moved up to around 700,000 in chips via several pots during the razz and stud rounds.
First, he forced Doug Ganger to fold on seventh street in a razz hand when Luske bet out showing and Ganger was showing . Before seventh street Luske told Ganger that when he caught the second three that, "You can put that one with the one you have in the hole." When Ganger folded, he showed a third three.
Next, Luske picked up a nice pot against Jens Voertmann when Luske bet out on the river with a three-flush on board. Luske had been betting the action the entire way and after throwing in the river bet, Voertmann was forced to fold.
Most of the razz hands have been taken down by the player completing, however, Marcel Luske has had the better of this round.
He was able to collect a nice pot against Jens Voertmann when Luske fired on sixth street with 8-5-7-A and Voertmann was forced to fold his 2-6-J-2.
A few hands later Luske took down another small pot on fourth street when Doug Ganger paired his four in the hole with 4-10 on board against Luske's 2-8.
Luske is chipping up to try and get himself back into this contest. He now sits with about 400,000 in chips.
Marcel Luske was all in on the turn with a board of . Doug Ganger made the call. Luske showed and Ganger showed . Luske had Ganger out-kicked, but kickers were irrelevant when the hit the river the to give Luske threes full and double him up to 295,000 in chips.
Doug Ganger has just gone on a huge rush in the last few hands of hold'em. In the first hand, the action was three-bet preflop and on the flop of against Jens Voertmann. Ganger bet the turn of the and Voertmann made the call before both checked the on the river.
Ganger flipped to take down the pot.
The next hand, these two were at it again on a board of . Ganger bet the whole way and Voertmann called but grimaced when Ganger flipped over for trips.
With these two hands, Ganger jumps up to about 1,100,000 in chips while Voertmann is back to the same amount.
The pot was two-bet between all three players on third street.
Fourth Street:
Doug Ganger:
Jens Voertmann:
Marcel Luske:
Luske bet out and was called by both opponents.
Fifth Street:
Doug Ganger:
Jens Voertmann:
Marcel Luske:
Ganger bet out, Voertmann called, and then Luske raised. Both of his opponents called the bet.
Sixth Street:
Doug Ganger:
Jens Voertmann:
Marcel Luske:
It was checked to Luske who bet out. Both opponents called.
Seventh Street:
On seventh, Ganger checked to Voertmann who bet out. Both opponents called. Voertmann showed the for trip sevens. The other two cards were buried under his other up cards. Luske and Ganger mucked their hands.
After the hand, Voertmann moved up to 1,600,000 in chips. Ganger is now at 690,000 and Luske is the short stack with 225,000 chips.
In two consecutive hands, Marcel Luske lost a big pot but then won it right back again!
In the first hand he held but mucked when Jens Voertmann showed () for the flush to scoop the pot.
However the very next hand Luske collected a nice pot against Doug Ganger. Luske raised on 4th street and then bet the whole way with () for a straight and low as Ganger tabled () for two pair.
Luske is hanging in there and has a lot of support on the rail as they will him home to capture the first ever Dutch WSOP bracelet!