Johnny Neckar opened with a raise to 90,000 and John Phan made the call.
The flop came and Neckar fired out 105,000 before Phan min-raised to 210,000. Neckar then slid out a neat stack of green chips for a raise of 395,000 more.
Phan went into the tank and appeared visibly frustrated as he tossed his cards into the muck.
With this hand Jonny Neckar has taken a very slight lead!
John Phan raised it preflop to 90,000 and Johnny Neckar made the call. They took a flop of and both players checked.
The turn brought the and Neckar checked to Phan who fired 90,000. Neckar made the call. The river landed the and Neckar checked. Phan thought for a long time, and had been picked off a few times on the river so decided to check behind.
Neckar showed to take it down. Neckar is back to 1.8 million but still trails Phan on 2.5 million
Preflop, John Phan raised to 80,000 and Johnny Neckar made the call. On a flop of , Neckar bet out 150,000 and after tanking for a couple of minutes, Phan made the call.
Theturn fell the and the drama began. Neckar bet out 350,000 and Phan asked him, "how much you got left?" Unlike the last time Phan asked this, Neckar did nothing. He sat totally stonefaced and still as the floorman counted his chips. Phan then moved all in.
This time, Neckar asked for a count. After he received a count he sat for around 10 minutes thinking about the hand. He took out his water and took a drink and starts mumbling to himself as he recounts his hand. Phan is sitting in his seat saying absolutely nothing. After a few minutes, Neckar sat up straight in his chair and swallowed hard as if he had made a decision.
Phan asked for a clock. The floorman came over and told Neckar that he had 60 seconds to make a decision. Neckar then looked confused and took a look at his hand. He stared at Phan for a few seconds before finally mucking his hand.
After this hand, Neckar is down to 1,700,000 in chips.
Both players are starting to limp a little more preflop and happy to play some small ball poker.
In a recent limped pot the two players saw a flop of . Johnny Neckar led out with a 50,000 chip bet and John Phan made the call.
The turn was the and Neckar checked to Phan who fired 87,000 into the middle. Neckar called.
The river brought a repeat to the "ooohs" of the gallery. Neckar checked and Phan fired another bullet worth 115,000. Neckar thought for a moment and made the call.
Phan tapped the table indicating he was beat but didn't want to reveal his cards. He appeared to muck them until he realized that Neckar wasn't going to show if Phan didn't. Phan flipped his cards over flashing the for a busted draw as Neckar showed down for aces and sixes to take down the pot.
Neckar is still trailing, but things are tightening up!
Following the previous big pot it appears that the button wasn't moved. The cards were dealt out and action was imminent before Johnny Neckar realized the situation and called the floor. The TD confirmed it was a mistake and the hand was declared a misdeal.
John Phan raised to 89,000 from the button and Johnny Neckar re-popped it an additional 190,000. Phan deliberated, as he always does, and eventually made the call.
The flop arrived and Neckar led out for 275,000. Phan goes into the tank for a good five minutes before folding his hand.
We never saw the cocktail waitress arrive, but it does appear that Phan and Neckar have both received a bottled water. It is not the typical all in water that has been served here, so we can only assume someone brought it to them.
Wait....just as I am typing this I see the cocktail lady over at a table next to the final table. Oops, I spoke too soon. In the time it took to type the last sentence she has left the area.
John Phan raised preflop to 85,000 and Johnny Neckar reraised 180,000 more. Phan then proceeds to tank for several minutes.
Phan looks over at Neckar and asks, "How much you got?" Neckar does a visible blink and looks at his chips like, "are you serious?" The floor staff comes over and counts down Neckars chips. He had about 1.7 million in chips left.
Phan says, "This could be it huh?" He then proceeds to count his chips. Afterwards, he cuts his chips for a couple of minutes, shifts his seat, looks at his cards, and then just smiles.
Finally, Phan proceeded to fold his cards. While the dealer was shuffling for the next hand, Phan says, "I was almost ready to ship it to you I think. Almost."
This final table is drawing a good crowd. I would estimate that there are 50 people hovering around the final table area, which is a good number considering that it is not a televised table.
John Phan has taken down the last few pots to build a handy chip lead over Johnny Neckar.
The first pot saw Phan take it down after the flop was checked and he fired out 120,000 on the turn on a board of . Neckar quickly folded.
The next pot required two barrels, after betting 80,000 on the flop, Phan fired another 185,000 on the turn on a board of . Neckar folded and Phan took it down.
The third hand actually got to a showdown. Neckar raised preflop to 90,000 on the button and Phan called. They took a flop of and Neckar fired 110,000 which Phan eventually called. The on the turn and on the river were checked down by both players as Phan showed for just a pair of sixes to take down the pot.
Neckar is now down to 1,500,000 putting Phan on about 2,800,000.
John Phan has been complaining to the floor staff that the cocktail waitresses are being a little too slow. Cocktails were called about 15 minutes ago to the final table, but a waiter or waitress has not arrived as of yet.