Anthony Signore has the button. He limps and Velador checks. The flop is . Velador leads for 60,000 and Signore calls. The turn is the . Velador fires out 120,000, Signore announces raise and Velador immediately folds. Signore wins the pot.
Anthony Signore has the button. He limps in and Velador checks. The flop is . Velador bets 50,000 and Signore calls. The turn is the and they both check. The river is the . Check-check again. Velador showed for a flush and dragged the pot.
Anthony Signore has the button. He limps in and Velador checks. The flop is . Velador checks, Signore bets 60,000, Velador folds and Signore wins the pot.
Anthony Signore has the button. He limps in and Velador checks. The flop is . Velador bets 40,000 and Signore calls. The turn is the and both players check. The river is the . Velador bets 500,000, Signore gives it up and Velador wins the pot.
Anthony Signore
Luis Velador has the button in Seat 3 and he limps in. Anthony Signore raises to 140,000. Velador reraises to 590,000. Signore moves all in and Velador calls. The players show:
The flop comes giving Signore an additional out, he can now win if the case king falls.
The turn is the which has Signore's supporters ecstatic. Velador is drawing dead to a chopped pot.
The river comes the relatively meaningless and Anthony Signore doubles up.
Anthony Signore has the button. He raises to 85,000 and Velador calls. The flop is . Velador checks, Signore bets 185,000, Velador folds and Signore wins the pot.