Now that we're three handed and the blinds have gone up, we're getting almost nothing but walks here. In the last five hands, we're seen one flop and two raises.
That's pretty much been most of the excitement here, with hands ending after a preflop raise or a free walk to the player in the big blind. We did see one flop between Martin Klaser and Casey Kastle, but Kastle laid the hand down after a bet on the turn by Klaser.
With the departure of Erik Seidel from today's event, we have lost about one third of our audience as well. It appears that if they couldn't see Seidel win, they didn't want to be here.
Michael Fetter's supporters are still here in force however, including Mickey "Mouse" Mills. Earlier we discovered from his cheers that he is here to support Fetter. His other supporters are also still here and they have been here for most of the day. They are also the most vocal by far. Every time Fetter wins a pot we get a "You're gonna win this one Mike" from the crowd.
Erik Seidel
Erik Seidel led out preflop when Casey Kastle raised to 212,000 which was enough to put Erik all in. Seidel called and showed and Kastle held . The board ran . Erik missed his low while Kastle hit a set on the turn which turned into a full house by the river.
Michael Fetter was able to double up after picking up pocket aces and getting Erik Seidel to call a preflop raise. The board ran 2-4-8 and Fetter was all in. Seidel made the call and only had a pair of fours. Seidel needed high cards to catch two pair, but an ace on the turn left Erik drawing dead with no low draw.
Michael Fetter just called a preflop raise from Erik Seidel which brought a flop of 2-9-5. Fetter was all in on the flop and had 2-3-4-5 for the open-ended straight draw plus two pair. Erik had A-4-K-Q for the nut low, which he made and they chopped it up.