Devin Porter has the button in seat 1 and he folds. Rep Porter raises to 90,000 from the small blind. Nathan Templeton calls from the big blind.
The flop comes . Porter checks and Templeton casually slides out 140,000 chips. Rep thinks for a bit, then folds. Nathan Templeton wins the pot.
Nathan Templeton has the button in Seat 6. He raises to 90,000. Devin Porter moves all in from the small blind, folding Rep Porter in the big blind. Templeton ponders his decision, but not for long. He folds, and Devin Porter wins the pot.
Rep Porter has the button in seat 3 and he folds. Nathan Templeton raises to 90,000 from the small blind. Devin Porter folds his big blind and Templeton wins the blinds and antes.