Play has been fairly slow since losing Joey Barttole.
The only noted aggression has been shown by Barry Berger who has now pushed all in two hands in a row to pretty much double his stack through the blinds and antes.
Rico Ramiriz may have plenty of chips, but he isn't afraid to splash them round as he has three-bet two separate opponents twice during the last orbit.
Following the elimination of Joey Barttole, we have now reached our official final table.
Seat 1: Zack Fritz
Seat 2: Avi Braz
Seat 3: Rico Ramirez
Seat 4: Jason Potter
Seat 5: Jose Luis Franco
Seat 6: Mike Zulter
Seat 7: Mike Eise
Seat 8: Jeff Chang
Seat 9: Barry Berger
Joey Brattole eliminated in 10th place
With everyone folding round to Mike Eise in the small blind, he open shoved all in against the short stack of Joey Brattole.
Being pot-committed, Brattole made the call and the cards were tabled.
The board would run out to see Eise fall in 10th place as Eise contines to soar; now up to 2,840,000 in chips.
Joey Barttole looked down at his under the gun and bumped it up to 250,000. The action folded round to Jose Luis Franco in the big blind, who jammed all in for 390,000.
Franco called with his ladies, and was happy when he saw Franco's -- but not for long, however, as the board ran out to give Franco the double up.
While Franco moved to 840,000 in chips, Bratolle slipped to just 115,000.