Chopped up by Atchison
Laurence Grondin opened to 70,000 from middle position and Pat Atchison made the call from the button.
The flop fell down to see Grondin fire 95,000, only to be raised to 200,000 from Atchison. Grondin made the call and checked the on the turn. Atchison move all in.
Grondin double-fist-pump-snap called, slamming down her and standing up to high five her rail of support.
Atchison rolled over his to still have outs to chop, but would more then likely double Grondin up.
Bang! The dealer burned and turned the on the river to see a locked double for Grondin turn into a simple chop. Atchison was more then happy to take the lucky river. He managed to pop out a wide grin from under his bright red cap while raking in half the pot that he was lucky to have!