Jason Helder opened with a raise to 12,400 from middle position. Action came to big stack Cody Slaubagh, and he made a reraise to 26,500. Helder seemed certain of his play, and he moved all in for a total of 108,700. Slaubagh called to put Helder at risk of elimination.
The board would hold steady for the all-in player. It showed up to lock up a monstrous double up for Helder. He's up to 225,000 now, dropping Slaubaugh down around 175,000.
Table mate Tony Cousineau wasn't in the pot, but he offered a tap of the felt and a, "Nice hand, dude." As he stacked the mountain of chips, Helder didn't bother looking up to respond, "That was a retarded race. Oh my god!"