The Vitallian Stallion!
Seat one opens the action to 8,000. Vitaly Lunkin then goes all in for 38,900. The next player to act thinks for a minute before flat calling. Back around to the original raiser who then goes all in, the flatter insta-calls. IGNITION!
The flatter shows , Seat one (the original raiser) shows . Mr Lunkin then tables his powerhouse . Lets run 'em!
The flop came and the aces were still looking good. The turn was the giving Lunkin a double gutshot straight draw. Some "oooh's" and "ahhh's" came from the crowd that had gathered around the table. Then like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, the hit the river giving Lunkin the ten high straight.
Lunkin triples up to over 130,000 and is all smiles.