![Chris Ferguson](https://s.pnimg.net/pRt9azcMxfk9oUQPU-4sKHmMp6JATJ8LdgKUCWmo1mw/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3hmYmQy/YzZjYTZlLmpwZw.webp)
![Shane Warne](https://s.pnimg.net/WkmpbtpdsnLxSzAeoSxj7vg9JU6dwZCZ_9LvcUL7UUk/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3hkMmZl/Y2E5NzAzLmpwZw.webp)
![Howard Lederer](https://s.pnimg.net/lG3LhD3tZ-dctXbNivUO2WY6I9mbZIjmZwGjQ3C4tUI/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3g0NTU2/ZmFjODM3LmpwZw.webp)
![Carter Phillips](https://s.pnimg.net/KMRWBRx143qpRVwmpb2YrZzbP_GD5jLxZS28eewdjYI/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3gyNDdk/MDc5MjNlLmpwZw.webp)
![David Alan Grier](https://s.pnimg.net/HM1AmxqoDO8bo1_Jn-dkOTUe4yIs8rc8CECH1qslBZI/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3g5ZGE5/NTViYmVkLmpwZw.webp)
![Matt Damon](https://s.pnimg.net/udqwojI0ORpQLrD8PNYHrEMIWR9qGi5vW7cD3XMVt1Q/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3gwNDM4/NWE3YzNmLmpwZw.webp)
![Jerome Bettis](https://s.pnimg.net/4-np4XgPnh1N_P4V8yORQkXM8lQc8pLzR0EMiLeireI/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3gxNzll/YTVlZDZmLmpwZw.webp)
![Erik Seidel](https://s.pnimg.net/-hP2H0m39b70OtqmcltJKkbEPcuv6zhwliOF8wzF5Mc/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3g3YzI4/OGUwOTQ5LmpwZw.webp)
![Matt Damon](https://s.pnimg.net/OpTAACtMFTCzmwpIqhnkrzYOVj1vrZTlkhJnLKe0sZk/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3hmNjQw/ZDdkMzkwLmpwZw.webp)
![Phil Gordon](https://s.pnimg.net/WZKQYu0OhpGaGzQ3skZ5gTKHNlvtzWgC_S2NBNaDhAg/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3g1ZjNi/ZmU1N2Q5LmpwZw.webp)
![Shannon Elizabeth and Annie Duke](https://s.pnimg.net/tAvs3ygHp734gg_nC4SEhn4DGabDAEwYb2QqsPdy3dQ/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3hiNDFi/YTI4YjFhLmpwZw.webp)
![Andrew Feldman](https://s.pnimg.net/hu3MJLqJC8-loeVcygKL5NUvF_mxpjWupDnQdcWkFUM/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/Nzg1LzMxL3g3YTgw/MWNkNmEzLmpwZw.webp)
"I don't know what happened," said Matt Damon. "When I sat at this table I had chips. That's no longer the case. Damon was just eliminated, stopping right in front of our media table to sign some autographs for fans before passing out a side door of the Pavilion Room.
Howard Lederer opened the pot to 1,600 and was re-raised by Chris Ferguson. Matt Damon called but Lederer did not. The flop came all clubs, . Ferguson continued for 6,000 and Damon called. The turn was the
and brought a bet of 8,000 from Damon.
"Jeez man, you probably have me beat. I feel like that character in the Princess Bridge. You think that I think that you think..."
Damon paused, then finished with, "I fold." Ferguson showed the .
Phil Gordon moved all in for his last 6,300 and found a caller from the blinds.
The board ran out to see Gordon double through to over 13,000 in chips.
Don Cheadle gave his table a stern warning. "Don't raise unless you have it," he said. "Because it's coming." When action passed to Cheadle, he moved all in with pocket queens. He was called by , which was problematic for Cheadle -- he mentioned how many straight had come in at their table. Not this time. Cheadle flopped a queen to make a set and double up.
"So where is Ben Affleck?" asked Chris Ferguson in the direction of Matt Damon.
"He arrived today. But he emailed me saying that he had a bad migraine and is in bed." responded Damon.
"Yeah he's here in Las Vegas, but just couldn't make it." added Damon once again.
Level: 7
Blinds: 1,200/2,400
Ante: 300
Jen Creason was recently in South Africa for the World Cup. She brought home a vuvuzela, which is in the tournament room today. Andy Bloch picked up the vuvuzela and started blowing on it after Creason was knocked out of the tournament.
Erik Seidel fired out 7,000 on a flop only to have Matt Damon move all in.
Seidel made the call for his last 11,400 and we were off to a showdown.
As the announcer Joe Reitman flocked to the table, along with Don Cheadle and Andy Bloch, the dealer delivered the on the turn.
"Ace, jack, nine!" screamed Bloch.
The river fell the to see the pot pushed to Seidel as Damon slipped to 40,000 in chips.
"You're such a jerk Andy!" stated one of the players.
"I guess Seidel can beat Matt . . . something Johnny Chan couldn't do!" added Bloch.
"Bringing up the movie around Seidel is probably not a good idea" continued Bloch before relocating to sweat a different table, but not before adding, "Johnny f**king Chan!"
Rafe Furst moved all in and Bill Reynolds iso-raised to force folds from the remaining players.
The board ran out to see Furst sent to the rail as Reynolds climbs to over 40,000 in chips.