Burkholder Doubles Opponent
In a very confusing hand, Steve "pikappraider" Burkholder has doubled an opponent at his table.
The pot was raised preflop and three players saw a flop of . A player in the blinds checked and the dealer thought the next player checked as well so he signaled to Burkholder that it was his turn to act.
Burkholder bet 2,200 and the player who was skipped appealed the bet. The floor was called over and ruled that since Burkholder was prompted by the dealer that the bet can be pulled back and that the action is on the player whose been skipped.
The player moved all in for 2,500 and Burkholder quickly called. The player in the blinds folded and the hands were tabled.
The aces held after the turn and river came ,
respectively and Burkholder's opponent doubled through.
Burkholder is still plenty healthy with 40,000 chips.