No Sweating Required
There's been some interesting banter between Dutch Boyd and Brandon Cantu, and when Boyd found himself all in on third street, neither player hesitated in winding their opponent up.
On fourth street Cantu gave a scream of delight before betting, which was immediately reciprocated by Boyd on fifth upon seeing an ace. By sixth, Cantu had made a flush and sewn up half the pot, whilst Boyd could only take the low to survive.
After the final face-down card had been dealt, Cantu paused. "You first." "No, it's courteous for you to go first to know if I have a sweat," replied Boyd. "It's courteous, but it's not as dramatic," countered Cantu. "Turn it over, and make it a queen," continued Boyd.
In the end, Cantu conceded defeat and flipped first: ! Boyd's low stood and the pot was divided up.
"Forty," declared Boyd adamantly as if suggesting that his prediction of a comeback was now in process.