Who Needs Betting Rules Anyway?

Matthew Green raised to 5,500 from the cutoff seat and Ryan Karp called from the big blind. The flop came down and Karp fired the pot for 12,000. Green said, "All right, I call, I think that puts me in."
Now although Green said that, Karp's bet was for 12,000 and Green had 22,500 left in his stack. Either way, the rules were pretty much thrown out the window and the cards were turned over.
Green held the and Karp the
The turn came the and the river the
. Those eights paired the board and counterfeited Karp's two pair, giving Green kings and eights with an ace. Green also made a low on the turn and wound up scooping the entire pot. The chips were counted down and Green doubled his stack of 28,000 to 57,000 in chips.