Controversy at Table 334
While watching John "Tex" Barch double up, Allen Kessler came darting over to make sure we got what was going on at Table 334. There was a dispute betweel Raphael Zimmerman and the other players at the table on whether or not there was another round of draws left. Zimmerman was heads up with an opponent and believed that he still had one draw. Zimmerman's opponent thought the hand was over and had tabled the . Zimmerman made a solid case to the floor staff and his argument was granted a look on the surveillance tape to get the correct ruling.
Knowing that this could take a while, the players at the table began to complain and wanted the clock paused because they would lose some very valuable time and hands due to the process involved. At the current time, Zimmerman couldn't beat his opponent's hand so the staff and players decided to give Zimmerman his next draw. If he failed to beat his opponent's hand, it wouldn't matter whether there was no draws left or one and they could move on. Instead, Zimmerman pulled a to make the and now was ahead. Therefore, going to the cameras was a must. After arguing about that for a little bit, David Baker suggested that the pot at hand be put to the side and the next hand continued on. Zimmerman and his opponent had enough chips that it was suggested they may not go broke in the next few hands so they could continue to play without the controversial pot awarded yet. Zimmerman objected to this and the wait for the ruling was on.
After several minutes of standing around and talking about what all the commotion was about, the ruling finally came back. It was ruled that Zimmerman was indeed correct that there was one more draw to be had and his wound up winning the pot with his seventy-six. The other player let Zimmerman have it a bit after the hand, claiming that he cried and complained and should just keep quiet.
Zimmerman won the pot and now has 25,000 chips as action resumed back to normal.