Gregg Wilkerson Eliminated in 9th Place (14,715)

Just when it looked like no hand would go beyond a c-bet on the flop, things got interesting. Steve Chanthabouasy opened to 30,000 from middle position, and Gregg Wilkerson flatted on the button. Mark Babekov folded the small blind, and JJ Liu called from the big blind. The flop fell , and Chanthabouasy bet out 37,000. Quickly, Wilkerson moved all in for 102,000 on top. Liu folded, and Chanthabouasy went deep into the tank. And stayed there. And stayed there some more. After nearly five minutes, he made the call.
The turn brought the , giving Chanthabouasy a spade draw to eliminate Wilkerson. And as soon as the announcer had said Wilkerson would need to dodge a spade, the
appeared on the river. "Sick! Sick!" someone on the rail shouted as Wilkerson made his exit in ninth place.