
Alexis Bouchiouane opened to 32,000 from the cutoff seat, and Mikhail Lakhitov three-bet to 72,000 on the button. When it passed back around to Bouchiouane, he made another raise to 156,000. Lakhitov looked like he really didn't want to, but he waved the white flag of surrender and slid his cards into the muck.
Thanks to an ally in the french media, we gleaned a little bit of information about Bouchiouane while the hand was playing out. He's "lesuperpanda" online, and he's beginning to make quite a name for himself as a member of the young French elite players. He intended to play only the Main Event, entering this tournament on a whim. It's his first-ever WSOP event, and he's putting his buy-in to good use, working his stack up over 800,000 with that four-bet pot.