Negreanu and Binger Spitting Words

A big controversy has just developed in front of the PokerNews blogging desk between Daniel Negreanu, Michael Binger and the floor staff.
The action started with a preflop raise to 6,000 only to have Michael Binger three-bet to 9,000 next to act. The blinds passed and the preflop raiser made the call before checking the flop. Binger tossed out a bet of 1,500 only to have his opponent insta-raise to 3,000.
This is where the problem started.
With the limits at 3,000-6,000, Binger's bet was half the amount it should have been, and with his opponent splashing out what seemed like a raise, Tournament Director Robbie Thompson was called over to solve the dispute.
Negreanu and Binger began disputing what action should occur. Negreanu's argument was that it was the check-raisers intention to raise and therefore should be bound to a raise of 6,000 once Binger completed the full bet amount.
As Negreanu and Binger's debate became more heated, Binger spat out, "Shut your god-damn mouth! It's my tournament life that is on the line" as Negreanu argued that it could be an angle shoot betting half-bets as you could see what the intention of the other player was.
It was there that Negreanu went back into his shell as he let Thompson rule that Binger's half-bet would be made a full bet and the intention to raise would be deemed to be just a call.
"You have to throw a god-damn scene don't you!" added Binger who was a little enraged that Negreanu was getting involved in a hand that really didn't involve him.
As the dealer dealt the on the turn, Binger's opponent bet out 6,000 and Binger went into the tank for over four minutes as he had just 18,000 in chips remaining.
"I wanna know what's going to happen when the hand is over?" asked Binger to Thompson.
"If I've gotta take a penalty and blind out, it is going to change the whole hand." continued Binger.
"There will be no penalty, just a warning" answered Thompson.
Another minute went by before Binger angled his cards at the muck.
"I'm sorry!" stated Negreanu to Binger as both players shook hands.
"It was just clear cut to me!" returned Binger.
"Wasn't clean to me" jibbed Negreanu.
"Are we good here?" asked Thompson as both players nodded.
"Just throw them out to be safe!" arked one player on the table.