Laak Finds a Massive Double

Phil Laak was the only player missing when the clock started for this level, and he sprinted a few steps back to his chair as the dealer was pitching the third card around the table. Laak will be glad he made it back in time.
We missed the first betting action from the Unabomber, walking up to see Doc Sands raise to 54,000 in position. Laak announced a pot-sized reraise from early position, and it was 180,000 total. Sands made the call, and they went off to the flop.
The dealer spread out
, and Laak took just a momentary pause to study. After a few seconds, he shrugged and slid his last 243,000 chips across the line. Sands held his cards up to double-check, then made the call with his covering stack and a draw-heavy hand.
"Lots of back doors," someone at the table commented. Sands would miss everything, though, as the turn and river
secured Laak's double. It's the biggest pot we've seen today, and it pushes Laak very near to the top of the pack. He's sitting pretty in second place with 864,000 now.
As the dealer was counting out the double, Laak stood up and began snapping a few pictures of the cards and the pot. As they were pushed away from his opponent, we can see that Sands is left with 137,000 now.