Hands 108-114

Level 22
: 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Hand #108- Allen Cunningham made it 40,000 on the button, and that took down the blinds.
Hand #109- Jaspal Brar made it 40,000 on the button, and he won the blinds.
Hand #110- Lev Rofman made it 50,000 in the small blind, and the big blind folded.
Hand #111- Anthony Harb made it 70,000 in the cutoff, and the blinds folded.
Hand #112- Brar took a walk in the big blind.
Hand #113- Ken Shelton made it 70,000 in the cutoff, and the blinds folded.
Hand #114- Cunningham raised in the cutoff to 40,000, and the blinds folded.