Hand #238-240: More of the Same

Hand #238: Kory Kilpatrick raised to 60,000 on the button, Eric Wasserson called in the big blind, and Wasserson check-called a bet of 50,000 on a flop of . The turn was the
, Wasserson checked again, and Kilpatrick fired out another 85,000. Wasserson check-raised to 225,000, and Kilpatrick tank-called.
The river was the , Wasserson led out for what looked like 300,000 or so, and Kilpatrick instantly folded.
Hand #239: Wasserson limped in on the button, Kilpatrick checked, and the flop came . Kilpatrick check-called a bet of 30,000, and both players checked on the turn (
) and the river (
). Kilpatrick won the pot with
Hand #240: Kilpatrick raised to 60,000 on the button, Wasserson three-bet to 175,000, and Kilpatrick called. The flop fell , Wasserson led out for 125,000, and Kilpatrick called. The dealer burned a card then delivered the
on the turn. Wasserson quickly checked, Kilpatrick placed 325,000 in front of him, and Wasserson unhappily folded.