The Big Fish and the Fat Fish

"Samrostan! The VIP," John Juanda yelled at his friend Chun Lei Zhou who was being moved to his table.
"Floorman, help this man," Juanda joked as Zhou dropped bottle of water on the floor on his way to the table.
Scott Seiver joined in the banter, and as he saw that Lyle Berman and Richard Ashby were moved to his table as well he yelled, "Stop the clocks!"
The day is almost done and there will be a redraw heading into tomorrow, so Seiver can't enjoy this fun table for much longer. This however doesn't hold him back from stirring things up a little more before the end of the night.
"Look, big fish!" Seiver pointed at Vladimir Schemelev as he looked at Zhou.
Schemelev started laughing and cracked up even more when Zhou responded, "Me too, but he's fat and I'm a bigger fish."
The banter and jokes at this table were likely to continue throughout the night, but unfortunately for everyone there are just a few hands left before the day is done.