In a raised pot, the flop showed when Daniel Jones's opponent check-called for 5,000. The turn went check-check.
The river was the and after a last check from his opponent, Jones sent a bet worth 25,000 in the middle. His opponent tanked for a few minutes and eventually made the call. Jones tabled for the nut flush and his opponent mucked his cards.
All the chips went in the middle preflop between Jose Alvarenga and his opponent, at risk for his last 29,500.
Alvarenga had the best starting hand, holding while his opponent had . The board improved Alvarenga's hand into two pairs and busted his opponent from the event.
On a five-way limped pot, the flop showed when it folded to Rosalie Petit on the button who bet 4,000. It was enough to make her opponents fold their hand and claim the pot right away.
Before the color-up break, Chen Xiaochun opened the action to 3,500. It folded to the player in the cutoff who three-bet to 7,000. John Aguirre then four-bet to 31,000 from the button.
Rocco Iati was next to act in the small blind, and when it was his action he tanked for a while before five-bet shoving all-in for 36,000.
Xiaochun, the original raiser, cold-called the five-bet jam. The player in the cutoff folded. Aguirre also called the all-in bet of Iati.
There would still be side action between Xiaochun and Aguirre to come.
The flop came: . Xiaochun was first to act and he bet 30,000. Aguirre then moved all-in for 99,000.
Having Aguirre covered, Xiachun then went into the tank. After several minutes the clock was called on Xiachun.
He finally made the call.
Rocco Iati:
John Aguirre:
Chen Xiaochun:
All players had an overpair to the board with Iati's pocket kings way ahead.
The board completed with the on the turn and the on the river. Iati tripled up and Xiaochun scooped the side pot to eliminate Aguirre.