The long-running PokerNews Podcast features the best guests in the industry �� don't believe us? Well, Jack Binion and Phil Galfond were the latest two guests and they don't get much bigger than them �� and now we're offering players and fans the opportunity to get in on the action.
We've recently launched the brand new PokerNews Bad Beat Hotline where listeners can call in to +1 702-625-0166 and share a bad beat story!
We'll listen to them all and choose some to feature on future episodes of the show. They say misery loves company, so get that bad beat off your chest, share it with Sarah Herring, Chad Holloway, and Jesse Fullen, who will at the very least listen, and quite possibly share it with the entire poker world!
Be sure to give us the details (i.e. when, where, what stakes, etc.) so we can paint a full picture of just how gut-wrenching your bad beat really was!