A pot so monstrous it could eat Tokyo has developed by the time I arrive at Mike Matusow's table. The gentlemen involved are Chris Elliot and Philippe Rouas; the board reads and it looks as though Rouas has bet or raised 25,000, only for Elliot to make it 75,000. Rouas' hands are clasped together as though he is praying, and a solid wall of assorted media are holding their collective breath around the table.
"I'm hoping," says Rouas eventually, "I'm hoping that you have ace-king of clubs. Ace-queen...It's such a monster I've got. Sick."
Pipes up Matusow, clearly keen to get the hand finished, "I think I need to go back to doing drugs. I'll start with this bottle of water."
Eventually, to the ever-so-slightly audible disappointment of the Wall of Media, Rouas folds, showing for what is indeed a very fine hand. He is rewarded for his fold by Elliot showing him .