Talal Shakerchi limped in mid position, and Philippe Rouas made it 15,000 from the button. Bengt Sonnert and Bergius both called in the blinds.
They all saw a flop, and Sonnert rather unexpectedly bet out 30,000. Bergius and Rouas called.
There naturally followed a turn card, and it was the . Now Sonnert bet out 100,000. Bergius clearly had a tough decision to make and disappeared expressionless into the Tank Of Uncertainty. While he was in there, the crowd was entertained by Erik Seidel knocking over a side table. Piped up Philippe Rouas, "I did that all yesterday. They just don't understand." Now Negreanu butted in, "Who's 'they'? You sound like Phil Hellmuth." There was much merriment but when it was over, Bergius had still not made a decision. Eventually Sonnert called the clock on him, and it was duly counted down.
To everyone's surprise, on the two-second count Bergius announced, "I'm all in," for 230,000. Rouas promptly folded, and Sonnert called.
Sonnert doubles up, and Bergius is down a mere 20,000.
"I'm too lucky, I'm just too lucky," said Sonnert as he raked in his now gigantic stack. Bergius took it well, noting that he had been lucky yesterday to stay in, but sighed, "Worst part is now I have to spend two days in London because I booked my hotel again," to a few disapproving frowns from the natives at the rail.