French Slowroll
I joined one hand on the river of an board, Ilan Rouah announcing the nuts with
having failed in his attempts to trap David Peters.
"Very sneaky," observed Tabatbai.
His French foe didn't understand the word, and there commenced an exchange as the table tried, in vain, to translate.
On the next hand, Ilan Rouah opened his button and John Tabatabai defended his big blind. The ensuing board was then checked all the way down, the two chopping it up with a raggy ace a piece.
"Ah, you are sneaky, no check on the river?"
At this point, and after Rouah had once again looked on blankly, the dealer piped in to confirm the French version of the word.
"How do you know?" inquired Tabatabai. "You speak French?"
"I am French," came the reply. Why he didn't assist earlier on, I have no idea.
Sneaky or not, Rouah is sliding downhill quicker than a lard encrusted eel, and is now down to 150,000.