Online Poker How-To: Registering and Logging Into the Client is the leading poker site in Nevada. The site offers several game variants at different limits available for both cash games and tournaments, and the software is user friendly and easy to navigate.
After you've downloaded and installed the client, the next step will be the registration and login process. You'll find out how to do all of that right here.
Registration and Login
The registration progress takes just three simple steps.
For the first step of the process, enter your account details. This comprises of selecting a username, entering your email address, and creating a password for your account. You will also need to verify that you are over 21 years old, accept the terms and conditions, and consent to the Nevada Gaming Control Board rules.

When creating a username, it��s totally up to you what to select, although the common rule is that usernames cannot display vulgar or offensive material. Remember, this is how other players on the site are going to refer to you. Some people use this as a tool to get their own name out there, while others like to go with a nickname. Some even use a bit of deceit when selecting a name to try and throw off their opponents.
For example, a skilled regular may chose the name ��luckynurse1973�� to give an idea they are a nurse by profession �� a profession commonly thought of as female, although not always the case �� and not a professional poker player. The year 1979 in the name lends itself towards the age of the player. In today��s poker community, the majority of regular online poker players are younger males, so hinting that you��re a bit older may give your opponents a certain opening observation that you can take advantage of straight away.
It��s also important to remember that certain names stand out more than others. This can make it easier for others to recognize you at the tables when you��re playing on a consistent basis. Choosing a more common name might not be remember as much as something more unique.
The second step of the process involves entering your personal details such as your first and last name, gender, date of birth, country of residence, phone number, and security question and answer.

The third and final step entails entering more personal details. For this step, you will need your address, nationality, and passport number.

It is completely normal for an online poker site to require all of this personal information for players looking to register an account. While you may not feel so confident about distributing this information to an online site, know that all legally regulated online poker sites in the U.S. are now under strict gaming rules and regulations. This helps to make your personal information safe and secure with the online site you are registering with.
Once all three steps are complete, you will be registered to play on You��re now all set to login and start playing, which can be done by entering your username and password to get onto the site.
If any problems are had, you may contact customer service at [email protected].
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In this Series
- 1 Online Poker How-To: Download the Client
- 2 Online Poker How-To: Registering and Logging Into the Client
- 3 Online Poker How-To: Making a Deposit to the Client
- 4 Online Poker How-To: Navigating the Lobby and Finding a Game
- 5 Online Poker How-To: Withdrawing from