Sid Kim has the button in Seat 7. Ziv Bachar raises to 40,000 and Jozef Berec calls. The flop comes . Ziv Bachar bets 25,000. Jozef Berec goes all in for 495,000 and Ziv Bachar calls his last 395,000 instantly. The players show:
Berec's gallery emphatically calls for spades.
Ziv Bachar wins the pot and doubles through Jozef Berec.
Michel St Pierre - 4th Place
Michel St Pierre has the button in Seat 8. Sid Kim raises to 60,000. Michel St Pierre immediately moves all in for 66,000. Sid Kim calls and the players show:
St Pierre:
Sid Kim:
Sid Kim had a 4-outer heading to the river and hit it squarely. For his 4th place finish, Michel St Pierre will take home $34,968 in prize money.
Sid Kim has the button in Seat 7. Michel St Pierre moves all in for 260,00 from the small blind. Ziv Bachar, who had 193,000 calls for his tournament life. The players show:
Jozef Berec has the button in Seat 3. Ziv Bachar raises to 30,000 and Sid Kim calls. The flop comes . Both players check. The turn brings the . Again both players check. The river brings the . Sid Kim bets 50,000. Ziv Bachar folds and Sid Kim wins the pot.
Current Chip Leader Sid Kim
Ziv Bachar has the button in Seat 1 and limps in. Berec limps in as well and Sid Kim checks the option. The flop comes .
Berec checks and Sid Kim bets 40,000. Bachar calls and Berec folds. The hits the turn. Sid Kim bets 100,000 and Bachar announces raise. Bachar slides out 255,000 total. Sid Kim calmly shuffles his chips for a bit and then announces "all in." Bachar asks for a count of Sid Kim's chips. The tournament director counts the chips and its 450,000 total for Bachar to call. Bachar sizes up his stack and looks Sid Kim over. He eventually folds and Sid Kim shows the , before raking in the biggest pot of the tournament thus far.