Sid Kim has the button in Seat 7. Jozef Berec raises to 50,000 and Sid Kim calls. It's heads-up to the flop, which came . Both players check. The comes off on the turn. Berec bets 75,000. Sid Kim passes and Berec takes down the pot. Berec shows a queen.
Ziv Bachar has the button in Seat 1. Jozef Berec calls from the small blind. Sid Kim checks his option. Action is heads-up going into the flop, which came:
Berec checked and Sid Kim bet 50,000. Berec folds and Sid Kim wins the pot.
Michel St Pierre has the button in Seat 8. Sid Kim raises to 40,000. Jozef Berec calls and it's heads up to the flop of . Berec moves all in for 395,000. Sid Kim takes his time to contemplate the bet before eventually folding.
James Honeybone - 5th Place
Sid Kim has the button in Seat 7. James Honeybone moves all in. Josef Berec requests a count. Honeybone's chips are counted and it's 142,000 to call. Berec re-raises all in for 271,000 total. The other players fold and Berec and Honeybone are heads-up. The players show:
Jozef Berec hits a set on the river much to the dismay of James Honeybone. Berec's gallery roars as the dealer pushes him the pot. James Honeybone is eliminated in fifth place and will collect $28,412 for his impressive finish.
Ziv Bachar has the button in Seat 1. Sid Kim raises to 28,000. Jozef Berec re-raises to 112,000. Sid Kim re-raises all in for 288,000 and Berec calls. The players show:
Sid Kim:
Sid Kim makes a pair of kings to crack the pocket queens of Jozef Berec. Sid Kim wins the pot.