Jan Skampa made it 240,000 to play, and the two men to his left came along for a rare family pot at this three-handed table.
The dealer spread it out , and all three men checked. They did the same when the hit the turn, and the river filled out the board with the . Eyal Avitan led out for 475,000 from the small blind, and Mattsson didn't hesitate to call. Skampa folded, and Avitan tabled , his two pair plenty good enough to win that pot from the look on Mattsson's face.
Eyal Avitan
First into the pot from the small blind, Jan Skampa made a bigger-than-usual raise to 320,000. Big blind Eyal Avitan made the call, and the two men watched the flop bring . Skampa kept the pressure on with a continuing bet of 400,000. Avitan shot a long glance over to his right. First up at Skampa, then down at his chips, then back up to meet eyes again.
"How much you play total?" he asked. Skampa quickly eyeballed his stack and responded, and Avitan promptly made a raise to 1.1 million. Skampa's cards hit the muck in short order, and Avitan seems to have his number for the time being.
Jan Skampa opened the pot to 250,000 from the button, and Eyal Avitan made the call in the small blind. In the big, Stefan Mattsson counted out a reraise and made it 825,000 total. Skampa instantly folded, but Avitan wasn't going anywhere quickly. He took pause for a few moments to consider, cutting out calling chips, then raising chips, then sliding them back in line with his stacks. After some time, he open-mucked .
A short conversation ensued between the two men, and all we could make out was Mattsson saying, "Bad fold." Avitan didn't seem to mind letting it go, stating simply, "I can't call you."
With Jan Skampa folding his button, Eyal Avitan and Stefan Mattsson saw a friendly flop from the blinds. It came out , and Avitan check-called a bet of 155,00.
Fourth street was the , and Avitan passed again. Mattsson kept the heat on with 340,000 more chips, but that wasn't going to get it done. Avitan took a few minutes to figure out his plan, and he eventually settled on a raise to 1,000,000 straight. Mattsson was clearly uncomfortable with the situation, and he open-mucked , letting his two pair and about a half-million of his chips go.
Eyal Avitan made it 300,000 from the button and Jan Skampa called out of the big blind.
Skampa check-called 425,000 on the flop before both players checked the turn. Come the turn, Skampa bet out 650,000 - and to hearty applause from the largely Czech rail, Avitan folded.
Jan Skampa has been by far the most aggressive player so far this level, raising it up almost every hand. Mostly both the others have folded, but we have seen a few flops...
Skampa raised to 240,000 on the button and Eyal Avitan called out of the small blind; Stefan Mattsson called in the big blind too and they saw an flop, which all three players checked.
They saw a turn and Avitan checked again. This time Mattsson bet 480,000. Both his opponents quickly lost interest, and Mattsson took it down.