Jan Skampa raised to 200,000 from the button, and Eyal Avitan quickly passed his small blind. In the big, though, Stefan Mattsson moved all in for 1.54 million. Skampa thought it over for just three seconds, shrugged, and made the call with his covering stack.
The board would run out friendly for the at-risk player, coming . Mattsson's kicker plays, and he's notched himself a big double up. He's back over 3 million now, drawing ever closer to the other two.
Jan Skampa limped in on the small blind and Eyal Avitan checked his big blind. A flop ensued.
Skampa bet out 110,000, and Avitan made the call. They saw a turn, too.
This time Skampa bet out 275,000. Again, Avitan called, and the next card out is known in poker circles as the river.
Skampa bet out 650,000 and Avitan called again, although it took him rather longer this time. And it was, as it turned out, the wrong decision - Skampa turned over for trips, and Avitan just mucked.
Stefan Mattsson, short stack though he may be, can still strike fear into the hearts of his comparatively healthily stacked opponents.
He just now managed to pick up four pots in a row to bolster his stack a little. That went down like so:
Hand 1: Mattsson shoved from the small blind and big blind Jan Skampa folded.
Hand 2: Mattsson shoved from the button and both players passed.
Hand 3: Mattsson got a walk in the big blind.
Hand 4: Mattsson made it a rather more conservative 200,000 from the button and both players folded.
Eyal Avitan
From the button, Jan Skampa limped in, and the blinds came along for the first family pot of this level. And it would be quite a pot.
The flop rolled out . First to speak, Eyal Avitan stuck out a bet of 200,000. Mattsson didn't waste any time calling, and neither did Skampa as we continued three-handed.
Fourth street came the , and this time Avitan and Mattsson checked. Skampa deliberately counted out 435,000 and slid it forward. Avitan quickly matched the bet, and Mattsson finally had a hunch that he should get out of this pot.
The last card off was the , and Avitan passed again. Skampa, robot-like, pulled 950,000 chips down from his pyramid and moved them in with both hands. After a pause to think it over, Avitan called to put a pot of 3.625 million up for grabs!
Skampa was first to show, and he couldn't show much; he knew he was beaten when he tabled for the miss. Avitan turned up , his triple tens good enough to earn him the big pot and the chip lead once again.
Stefan Mattsson opened to 190,000 from the button, and Jan Skampa quickly put in the call from the small blind. In the big, Eyal Avitan began stacking up chips, and he slid out a healthy reraise to 780,000. Neither opponent wanted any piece of that as they quickly folded in turn.
Stefan Mattsson
Further misery for former chip monster turned short stack Stefan Mattsson.
He raised to 190,000 from the button and Jan Skampa called in the small blind. A flop.
Both players checked, and they saw a turn.
Skampa bet out 315,000, and Mattsson quickly called. Interesting.
Skampa now bet 850,000, and after a moment Mattsson called - but promptly mucked to a chorus of "wows" from the rail as Skampa turned over for the daddy of all draws on the flop that had turned into the second-nut flush.
Eyal Avitan made it 235,000 from the button, but Jan Skampa in the big blind made it 580,000. After a short pause, Avitan called.
Skampa bet out 550,000 on the flop but Avitan made the call. They saw a turn and this time Skampa checked. Avitan bet a chunky 895,000, and Skampa gave it up.