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On my bb with 300k and Blinds 10K/15K 15k ante , ?cut off raise to??35k ??I 3bet shove my rIaining??270k??with K?Q?and he woke up with A?A? , the board came Q?10?7?2?A?
On blinds 5k / 10k, ug min raise to 20k , middle position 3bet to 60k and I 4bet shove 115k on my bb holding jj , ug folds , middle??call my all in??with a6 suited , board came qq968
On my bb with 300k and Blinds 10K/15K 15k ante , ?cut off raise to??35k ??I 3bet shove my rIaining??270k??with K?Q?and he woke up with A?A? , the board came Q? 10?7?2?A?