Helppi raises to 5,000 and Geshkenbein flat-calls.
The flop of is checked by both players.
Geshkenbein fires 7,000 on the turn and 18,500 on the river. Helppi calls the first bet but looks confused at the second one, taking off his glasses. Eventually and somewhat out of curiousity, Helppi calls and gets shown for his trouble.
Geshkenbein raised to 5,000 and Helppi called.
Both players checked the flop before Helppi check-called a bet of 6,500 on the turn. The river was the and this time Helppi checked and Geshkenbein bet 15,100 declaring, "You have to fold, I have a deuce or a flush..."
The very first hand and Vladmir Geshkenbein raises to 4,000 from the button. Juha Helppi folds and the Russian shows attempting to set up his image.