Alec Torelli
A little bit of misfortune for both players, Tony G getting no action when holding and then a couple of hands later Torelli had and got a walk.
In a limped pot (300/600) Torelli fired 800 on a flop and Tony G called. The turn was the but this time Torelli checked and then folded to a 1,500 bet from Tony G.
Couple of hands later and Tony G raised to 1,600 on the button, Torelli calling.
The flop was and Torelli check-called a bet of 2,000 before both players checked the turn.
The river was the and Torelli fired out 2,800 and Tony G thought for a minute before folding.
After Tony G fired out a bet on a board, Alec Torelli folded as he was half-concentrating on eating from a fruit cup.
"If I didn't have a strawberry waiting, I'd probably call...If I had an apple I'd raise..."
The next hand saw a minraise preflop from Tony G with Torelli calling. Both players checked the flop before Torelli bet 900 on the turn. Tony G raised to 3,500 and Torelli called.
Both players checked the river and Torelli showed . Tony G smiled and folded.
Ian Frazier was all-in on the flop of holding and Helppi head yet again .
The turn was the and now Helppi needed a six, seven, ten or jack to knock out the Englishman. The river was the and the match was done and dusted in brutally quick time.
Juha Helppi has built up a very big advantage quickly in this match, almost to the opposite of his round two match last night against Vicky Coren.
Helppi raised to 1,000 preflop and Frazier called.
The flop was and Frazier check-called a bet of 1,500 and then a further 3,000 on the turn.
Both players checked the river and Frazier showed but lost out to Helppi's .
On a flop of Ian Frazier called a bet of 1,000 from Juha Helppi before both players checked the turn. The river was the and Helppi bet 2,100 but Frazier raised to 5,000.
Helppi thought for a moment before calling, Frazier showed and Helppi turned over to win the pot.
Tony G against Alec Torelli will be on the feature table, while Juha Helppi against Ian Frazier is going on at one of the background tables.
It's the final day of the first ever PKR Heads Up Grand Slam. We already have one semi-final ready with James Sudworth taking on Vladmir Geshkenbein.
But before that, Ian Frazier takes on Juha Helppi and Alec Torreli plays Tony G in our remaining two quarter-finals.
These latter two matches will take place at the same time. We're hoping these will start at 10.30am, but it might be as late as 11am.