0m3rta eliminated in 2nd place0m3rta doubles through TheCleaner11 in heads upPlay4livin doubles through TheCleaner11TheCleaner11 doubles through Play4livin Play4livin eliminated in 3rd place0m3rta Doubles Through TheCleaner11ale kmkz eliminated in 4th placePlay4livin Doubles Through ale kmkzTheCleaner11 Takes the LeadPlay4livin scores another doublePlay4livin doubles through TheCleaner11Cottonbud07 Eliminated in 5th PlaceVzB_Poker Eliminated in 6th PlaceA Double for TheCleaner11danechka1991 eliminated in 7th Placejareth3542 eliminated in 9th placemarkovitsus eliminated in 8th placemarkovitsus doubles through danechka1991bigstealer eliminatedDanila4444 eliminatedkZhh eliminatedPlay4livin doubles through m.a-0000FeriBo eliminatedVzB_Pokeredercampana eliminatedSasuke234 eliminated by TheCleaner11Kovalski1 eliminatedL1VeYRdrEamS eliminatedNolet20 EliminatedBelqi eliminatedkenny05 eliminatedTheCleaner11 Doubles Through bigstealerbigstealer prevails in three-way all-inale kmkz doublesmahairong eliminatedpsxfrcndhe eliminatedcardinals970 eliminatedGraftekkel loses flipDanielLUCKY eliminatedTheCleaner11 loses flip to psxfrcndhecantsopmeAA stopped after allarron8 eliminatedMysters_Y eliminatedGame Over for Shansovne415lissi stinkt eliminatedAnother bounty for markovitsusGraftekkel busts Dancer KingFollow the 2020 SCOOP on PokerNewspabritz eliminated by noirduckMin Cash for Lena900WATnlos bubblesprobirs left very shortMiracle for PSMozakdigopapel vs gusmaaholdplz doesn't holdbigstealer with big stackDanielLUCKY Takes TwoDouble Knockout for Ron Jovi 7ThePateychuk EliminatedSamSquid TriplesGM_VALTER Busts DaryaStC. Darwin2 EliminatedTomatee Doubles Through Malaka$tyleBit2Easy EliminatedDEMOS1976 Triples Upeasywithaces eliminatedTankanza doublesMuntjesvader Eliminatedneeno1990 eliminatedkrakukra eliminatedGedis92 Busts IsidinhoPislogiK Doubles Through BrigaDatadaThe Great Amu Doubles Through Jozinho6L. Veldhuis Eliminated by digopapelTriple Up for L. VeldhuisA.Saout vs marathur1dartazzzz doubles through fanenL. Veldhuis Folds the RiverJorryt van Hoof vs Luke ReevesBounatirou Bows OutPlay4livin vs Perrymejsen