Last level of the night 1,200/2,400/400
Last break of night. Playing 2 more levels. 36 players left.
I just lost my KK vs AA for a 168k chip pot all-in preflop.
Well that was disgusting. They break my table and first hand I have have AhKh flop is 9 high with 2 hearts, 88 shoves, I call, miss, lose half my stack. Can live with that. Get moved again a hand later and pick up AA the very first hand. I 3 bet big and o
500/1,000/100 blinds
3rd break
42k is average. Running well, few sets got paid. 9 rounds down, 5 to go tonight.
End of night. 24 left. Coming back Sunday at 10:30am for day 2. Spending tomorrow at Devil's Lake :)