2014 Mid-States Poker Tour Majestic Star Casino

AJ<AK with 20 minutes left in night.. I'll be back 2morrow
Lost AQ<Q10 all in pre for 50k pot. He said he thought I was making a move so shoved over my open. At least I have some left. Time to run them up!

Flopped straight draw bricked out.

Today I played poker worse than Gary, Indiana smells

I played poker today worse than Gary, Indiana smells
Coming back to 500-1000 100a #teampokerjoker

Joel Casper is two to my left. I wrote Joel a speeding ticket a few years ago after he won the Heartland. As I sat down at the table, Joel said, "Well, if it isn't my favorite ex-cop."

Flop was Ah,Kh, Kd. I had Qh, 5h for nut flush draw and shove all in. Called by position 7. Lutz rivered a heart to double up.

Card dead FOREVER! I walked away from the table and had a wonderful salad. I feel refreshed!

End of round 6, average stack, playing 14 rounds tonight

2nd break

Lost another with kk<ak. Can't dodge that ace!!

End of day