2007 World Series of Poker
Event 12 - $1,500 No Limit Holdem 6 Handed
Day: 3
Event Info
Level: 21
Blinds: 30,000/60,000
Ante: 5,000
David Mitchell Lolis

David Zeitlin

Steve Olex

The flop comes

David Mitchell Lolis bets out, David Zeitlin moves all-in and Steve folds after a long thought. David Mitchell Lolis with a flopped straight calls.
The turn is a huge

David Mitchell Lolis took 250K from Jason Warner, unfortunately we saw no cards.
Steven Olek 1,200,000
David Mitchell Lolis ???
David Zeitlin ???
Level: 20
Blinds: 20,000/40,000
Ante: 5,000
Steven Olek 1,375,000
David Mitchell-Lolis 970,000
David Zeitlin 305,000