06-09-2007 16:37 UTC-8 Big Suck and Resuck Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user25062] Jason Warner reraised Steve Olek preflop and Steve made the call with to Jason's . The flop came and they got it all-in. A huge on the turn gave Jason the set but a monster on the river gave Steve the heart flush and new life.
06-09-2007 16:18 UTC-8 Chip Count Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user25062] Jason Warner 2,080,000 David Mitchell-Lolis 995,000 Steven Olek 680,000 David Zeitlin 410,000
06-09-2007 16:10 UTC-8 Chip Counts Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user25062] Jason Warner 2,300,000 David Mitchell-Lolis 1,250,000 David Zeitlin 540,000 Steven Olek 520,000
06-09-2007 16:02 UTC-8 Steve Olek Doubles Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user25062] Jason Warner actually lost a hand! Steve Olek had JJ and Jason called with 99. Steve had pushed for 192K and doubled thru.
06-09-2007 16:01 UTC-8 Steve Olek Survived Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user25062] Steve made a great laydown when (who else) Jason Warner turned an inside straight draw and pushed all-in.
06-09-2007 15:58 UTC-8 Matt Brady Finished Fifth Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user25062] Matt Brady was taken out by Jason Warner who now has a commanding chip lead.
06-09-2007 15:57 UTC-8 Brian Miller Finished 6th Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user25062] Brian Miller lost to Jason Warner and Warner took the chip lead.
06-09-2007 15:56 UTC-8 Our Apologies Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user25062] The technology to sequester players in a tent and provide a video feed for all of us is shall we say .... not perfected. I will attempt to get you caught up.
06-09-2007 14:27 UTC-8 The Tent Event has Begun Copy link Share on Twitter Share on Facebook [user22113] Our coverage will commence as soon as the live feed is launched.